by Christian Scully
Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to not only photograph the interiors, but to sit down with Linda DiCarlo at her West Side Providence yoga studio to learn about Iyengar yoga, why she dedicated her life to the practice, and how exploring the method could impact a person's physical and mental state. I knew nothing of Iyengar previously, and very little about what drives a yogi. Linda's positive, centered attitude and balanced outlook not only provided great content for the multimedia piece we were producing for her marketing, but also motivated me to give her class a try! My Experience: As somebody who is often caught in the daily grind of work, walking the tight rope of balancing a hectic career and making time to care for a body injured by decades of contact sports, I eagerly and openly sought a way to bring my body and mind into alignment. A few weeks into the beginner classes at the Iyengar Yoga Source, I am learning the foundation, with great attention from the instructors. But more importantly, I am witnessing what is possible, if I continue. I'm not quite sure how best to describe it yet, the more advanced students describe it in the video below. It's a workout for your body: you sweat from engaging your muscles and stretching. Its a workout for your mind: you sweat from intensely focusing. But then something almost magical happens. You suddenly realize that you are so focused on what each part of your body is doing that everything else plaguing your mind has disappeared from reality. I have already seen and felt how this can reduce stress; I highly recommend you give it try and perhaps you'll find the same. Visit for more information. Multimedia Video made for the Iyengar Yoga Source Website
Keywords: iyengar yoga studio, westminster street, providence ri, rhode island yoga studio, professional interior photography, rhode island photographer, christian scully, linda dicarlo, west side providence, rope wall, yoga introduction
by Christian Scully
Edward Larrabee Barnes would be celebrating his 100th birthday this month. This Barnes building, located at 121 S Main Street in Providence, RI was originally designed for the Old Stone Corporation. Today the commercial space is home to Hemenway's Restaurant and the remainder is increasingly used by various departments of Brown University. |
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